Friday, August 10, 2012


Street addresses in New York City are no help in locating a building.

There is a morsel of uniformity in cross streets with 5th Avenue being the dividing line between East and West. The street addresses start from 5th Avenue and working their way higher as you reach either river.

The Avenue streets addresses are another story. There seems to be no consistency from Avenue to Avenue as to numbering sequence or whether even or odd numbers are consistently on the same side of the street.

We even change the names of the streets, such as 8th Avenue becomes Central Park West and 9th Avenue becomes Columbus Avenue on the Upper East Side. And to further confuse tourists, we call 6th Avenue, Avenue of the Americas and the East River Drive we call the FDR. Broadway retains the same name all through the Borough of Manhattan staking claim to its own numbering system separate from either the Streets or Avenues. Broadway is a simple street to follow unless you are looking for West Broadway.

The building in the picture is at the site of the old New York Opera House. One side of the building fronts Broadway and the other fronts Seventh Avenue. So, where do they send the mail?

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